Wow a lot of interesting information here Cal and Erika! I've made a note to myself to talk to Marianne at the center about updating my website to make it more mobile friendly!
I'm still pretty reliant on paper in my office, mostly because I'm such a visual person, so I like to flip back and forth through my session binders, etc. I'm actually updating my session checklist to add an extra sheet to each client's file, but I think it's going to help me a lot because I tend to use a lot of post-it's to refresh myself and I'm thinking this will streamline my process a bit in the long run.
I do think that "time boxing" is extremely valuable, setting aside specific times to do certain tasks.... However one of the things I'm still trying to learn is how to assess how much time I'll need for certain tasks..... Sigh!!
Looking forward to hearing what you have on tap for next week!!
Thanks Brenda! I'm glad you found some interesting information in the episode. And I know what you mean about wanting paper in-hand for sessions, and I still use that, but make digital versions as well. Eventually I will be able to discard the paper (shred it for example) instead of hanging onto paper files (for a long period of time).
Great idea to streamline your process and get rid of sticky notes ! I use those too, and it would be nice to have a "top sheet" form for a client that serves the same purpose, but won't fall off or out of their folder. I'd love to see what you come up with for that.
TimeBoxing is definitely helpful, but you're right. It's hard to gauge how much time something will take. Although, if you give yourself a deadline, or time constraint, you're likely to get more done 😉 At least that works for me!
Thanks for your input! There are so many ways to do something, and it's great to share what works for each of us. I appreciate your feedback on what works for you.
Wow a lot of interesting information here Cal and Erika! I've made a note to myself to talk to Marianne at the center about updating my website to make it more mobile friendly!
I'm still pretty reliant on paper in my office, mostly because I'm such a visual person, so I like to flip back and forth through my session binders, etc. I'm actually updating my session checklist to add an extra sheet to each client's file, but I think it's going to help me a lot because I tend to use a lot of post-it's to refresh myself and I'm thinking this will streamline my process a bit in the long run.
I do think that "time boxing" is extremely valuable, setting aside specific times to do certain tasks.... However one of the things I'm still trying to learn is how to assess how much time I'll need for certain tasks..... Sigh!!
Looking forward to hearing what you have on tap for next week!!
Thanks Brenda! I'm glad you found some interesting information in the episode. And I know what you mean about wanting paper in-hand for sessions, and I still use that, but make digital versions as well. Eventually I will be able to discard the paper (shred it for example) instead of hanging onto paper files (for a long period of time).
Great idea to streamline your process and get rid of sticky notes ! I use those too, and it would be nice to have a "top sheet" form for a client that serves the same purpose, but won't fall off or out of their folder. I'd love to see what you come up with for that.
TimeBoxing is definitely helpful, but you're right. It's hard to gauge how much time something will take. Although, if you give yourself a deadline, or time constraint, you're likely to get more done 😉 At least that works for me!
Thanks for your input! There are so many ways to do something, and it's great to share what works for each of us. I appreciate your feedback on what works for you.
Thanks guys, you have inspired me to stop procrastinating and get to work on improving my website now 🙂