The incremental approach is a great way to go in age progression, I try to do that with every session.... Place them into events where they can begin to test their confidence and changes before they come back for their next session, and then building on to our major goals. Funny thing to add- when I went and had sessions, my hypnotist did the same thing, and we even did age progression on things I do on a yearly basis (like filing my taxes) so a whole year later, when I did it again, my sessions were reinforced and I had a "yay, look at me" moment!
Cal & Erika,
Thanks for the excellent reminder on future pacing! So important to client success!
Looking forward to seeing both of you at the NGH Convention in just over a week!!
Hi Karen - I'm so glad to hear you are coming to the convention. Make sure you come to the 5-PATHers Reunion and Awards Dinner on Thursday night before the convention. It is going to be wonderful! Cal
Funny you should mention that Cal, about going to see the hypnotist annually to plan out the coming year using age progression... It's part of what I wrote my BCH article about! Hopefully it will get published so that everyone can take a look at it!
Erika, You are spot on about the negativity bias and how we are evolutionarily wired to focus on the was how we survived as a species, so it was important. Thanks to neuroscience, we now know that it's the positive EXPERIENCES.that actually rewire our neural pathways. So, like you both, I'm all for encouraging positive experiences, as well as positive thoughts.
The age progression is a great part of the sessions and I'm very appreciative for the advice on how to do it well, thanks Cal!
Thank you Brenda, Karen, and Susan for your comments! The incremental approach is so important in my hypnosis sessions and couple that with Future Progression and you have a very powerful set of tools! I love combining current understanding of neuroscience with hypnosis - it makes for very powerful sessions and many of our clients appreciate the scientific side of the work we do.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the convention, including you Susan in 2016 😉
The incremental approach is a great way to go in age progression, I try to do that with every session.... Place them into events where they can begin to test their confidence and changes before they come back for their next session, and then building on to our major goals. Funny thing to add- when I went and had sessions, my hypnotist did the same thing, and we even did age progression on things I do on a yearly basis (like filing my taxes) so a whole year later, when I did it again, my sessions were reinforced and I had a "yay, look at me" moment!
Absolutely, I think we should start a new annual tradition of going to the hypnotist to plan out the coming year using age progression!
Cal & Erika,
Thanks for the excellent reminder on future pacing! So important to client success!
Looking forward to seeing both of you at the NGH Convention in just over a week!!
Hi Karen - I'm so glad to hear you are coming to the convention. Make sure you come to the 5-PATHers Reunion and Awards Dinner on Thursday night before the convention. It is going to be wonderful! Cal
Funny you should mention that Cal, about going to see the hypnotist annually to plan out the coming year using age progression... It's part of what I wrote my BCH article about! Hopefully it will get published so that everyone can take a look at it!
See it IS true, "Great Minds Think Alike"! 😉 Cal
Great episode, thank you Cal & Erika.
Erika, You are spot on about the negativity bias and how we are evolutionarily wired to focus on the was how we survived as a species, so it was important. Thanks to neuroscience, we now know that it's the positive EXPERIENCES.that actually rewire our neural pathways. So, like you both, I'm all for encouraging positive experiences, as well as positive thoughts.
The age progression is a great part of the sessions and I'm very appreciative for the advice on how to do it well, thanks Cal!
Thanks for everything you do.
Thank you Brenda, Karen, and Susan for your comments! The incremental approach is so important in my hypnosis sessions and couple that with Future Progression and you have a very powerful set of tools! I love combining current understanding of neuroscience with hypnosis - it makes for very powerful sessions and many of our clients appreciate the scientific side of the work we do.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the convention, including you Susan in 2016 😉
Love to learn more about this amazing tool!
Stay tuned we have more to come. Also check live training!