The 100%ers Hall of Fame
In Recognition of Hypnosis Professionals Who Have Demonstrated Their Individual Dedication to Professional Development
Hypnosis Professionals Who Have Viewed or Listened to Everyone One of The Professional Hypnosis Training Videos
100%ers: Viewed or Watched All Episodes
- Susan Mundy, BPsySc, C.Ht. Dip Clinical Hypnotherapy, Dip Professional Counseling, Certified 5-PATH® Professional Consulting Hypnotist.
Aspirants: Viewed Over 50% & Committed to Watching/Viewing 100%
- Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Professional Hypnosis Instructor, Certified 5-PATH® Professional Consulting Hypnotist.
- Celeste Hackett, BCH, A+CPHI, OB
- Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI
- Brenda Titus, BCH, CH